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Earth Public Information Collaborative

No single entity, organization, or agency can solve the climate crisis, but EPIC is designed to bring us all together and mobilize citizens from all corners of the world to become better guardians of the planet and its people.

EPIC harnesses the full power of global communications to ensure everyone on Earth can impactfully engage with vital information, science, and solutions to preserve and guard our global commons.


relevant and effective climate and biodiversity storytelling that drives action at scale


planetary science communications in the media, functioning as a true, trusted voice


hope, understanding and climate action


EPIC is being developed by Earth HQ, the communications arm of the Global Commons Alliance (GCA) and in partnership with New Zero World.

EPIC is a public service initiative, designed to draw broad support from a wide range of sectors including:

  • The international advertising and marketing community; 
  • Global media and tech companies; 
  • Entertainment and culture creative community; 
  • Corporate Brands aligned with our mission. 
  • Investigative and solutions journalism; 
  • Science-based efforts including climate and nature, human health, human rights, and disaster planning; 
  • Global funders who support a systems change approach to communications and supporting climate justice and solutions for people and planet; 
  • Climate organizations representing an International Community with diverse cultures, people and stories who are advocating for more just and equitable solutions; and 

This model allows EPIC to connect the what (the audience understands the crisis) to the why (the audience concludes they want to act) to the how (the audience can take informed, collective action). 

Learn More About EPIC

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The information in this white paper has been published on the basis of publicly available information; internal information and other sources are believed to be true, but may not be verified independently and are for general guidance only. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information contained, the contributors herein assume no liability for any error, omission, or inaccuracy.

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